GreenMill 4.0

Is a modular system od fecision support and data analytics applied to milling production processes.

Implement Industry 4.0 Enabling Technologies:

Zero-Defect Manufacturing, Cloud factory & Big Data, Analytics, Energy Efficiency, Predictive maintenance



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Contain the environmental impact and operating costs of the mills by reducing the energy consumption of the plants.
Eliminate / reduce production waste
Implement predictive maintenance solutions


Technological platform for real-time monitoring of milling production and machinery operation with analysis functionality and support for predictive maintenance.

Intervention co-financed under the POR Puglia ERDF-ESF 2014-2020 Priority axis 1 – Research, technological development, innovation Action 1.6 “Interventions to strengthen the regional and national innovation system and increase collaboration between companies and research structures and their enhancement” BANDO INNONETWORK – Aid to support R&D activities
Financial support: 789.781,67€

GreenMill 4.0

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